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Coast Petite Ruffled Skirt Mesh Bridesmaids Midi Dress

Coast Petite Ruffled Skirt Mesh Bridesmaids Midi Dress

Designed to complement the bride, our bridesmaid dresses come in a wide range of styles. Think sculpted midi dresses for contemporary weddings, or floor-sweeping gowns for the more romantically inspired, and playful sequins for a festival-themed party. Our dresses are designed to empower every bridesmaid to feel their best.Designed to complement the bride, our bridesmaid dresses come in a wide range of styles. Think sculpted midi dresses for contemporary weddings, or floor-sweeping gowns for the more romantically inspired, and playful sequins for a festival-themed party. Our dresses are designed to empower every bridesmaid to feel their best. Style: Petite Ruffled Skirt Mesh Bridesmaids Midi Dress. Ideal for: Bridesmaids. Design: Ruffle. Model wears size UK 10 and is 5' 3" tall.
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Product description

Designed to complement the bride, our bridesmaid dresses come in a wide range of styles. Think sculpted midi dresses for contemporary weddings, or floor-sweeping gowns for the more romantically inspired, and playful sequins for a festival-themed party. Our dresses are designed to empower every bridesmaid to feel their best.Designed to complement the bride, our bridesmaid dresses come in a wide range of styles. Think sculpted midi dresses for contemporary weddings, or floor-sweeping gowns for the more romantically inspired, and playful sequins for a festival-themed party. Our dresses are designed to empower every bridesmaid to feel their best. Style: Petite Ruffled Skirt Mesh Bridesmaids Midi Dress. Ideal for: Bridesmaids. Design: Ruffle. Model wears size UK 10 and is 5' 3" tall.

Product specifications

Product name
Coast Petite Ruffled Skirt Mesh Bridesmaids Midi Dress
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