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Gardz High Performance Sealer Water Based - 5 Litre - Zinsser

Gardz High Performance Sealer Water Based - 5 Litre - Zinsser

Popularity 37 in Building Supplies
GARDZ High Performance Sealer is a unique water-base sealer for porous and potential problem surfaces. It is formulated to deeply penetrate and dry to a hard, moisture resistant film that seals and binds down porous, chalky and crumbling surfaces, paints and texture finishes.
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Product description

GARDZ High Performance Sealer is a unique water-base sealer for porous and potential problem surfaces. It is formulated to deeply penetrate and dry to a hard, moisture resistant film that seals and binds down porous, chalky and crumbling surfaces, paints and texture finishes.

Product specifications

Product name
Gardz High Performance Sealer Water Based - 5 Litre - Zinsser
Paint & Painting Consumables, Paint
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