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The Cure - Pornography [VINYL]

The Cure - Pornography [VINYL]

£23.99 - £25.38
Cure - Pornography (1LP) Track listing: Side 1 1. "One Hundred Years" (6:39) 2. "A Short Term Effect" (4:22) 3. "The Hanging Garden" (4:37) 4. "Siamese Twins" (5:22) Side 2 1. "The Figurehead" (6:18) 2. "A Strange Day" (4:56) 3. "Cold" (4:27) 4. "Pornography" (6:33) Record Label: UMC Catalogue No: 4787547 Release Date: May 1982
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Lowest price on record (05/09/2024) : £21.99 | Lowest price today : £23.99

Product description

Cure - Pornography (1LP) Track listing: Side 1 1. "One Hundred Years" (6:39) 2. "A Short Term Effect" (4:22) 3. "The Hanging Garden" (4:37) 4. "Siamese Twins" (5:22) Side 2 1. "The Figurehead" (6:18) 2. "A Strange Day" (4:56) 3. "Cold" (4:27) 4. "Pornography" (6:33) Record Label: UMC Catalogue No: 4787547 Release Date: May 1982

Product specifications

Product name
The Cure - Pornography [VINYL]
Vinyl Records
Hostname: dc1-fe-kelkoo9-05 Version: 2.2.137